928-567-0066 center@verdevalleyarchaeology.org
Verde Valley Archaeology Center
Verde Valley
Verde Valley Archaeology Center

Unsigned Bear Fetish

Bear image, unsigned, is 1-1/8" tall, 2-1/4" long, and 1/2" thick. This fetish carries an offering of a carved arrowhead. The arrow that is placed on the fetish is given for protection and good luck.

Price $55.00
Current stock: 1

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Center Offices and Museum
460 W. Finnie Flat Road, Camp Verde, AZ 86322

Native American Heritage Pathway & Garden
330 N. Homestead Parkway, Camp Verde, AZ

Center Offices and Museum
385 S. Main St., Camp Verde, AZ 86322

Native American Heritage Pathway & Garden
330 N. Homestead Parkway, Camp Verde, AZ