928-567-0066 center@verdevalleyarchaeology.org
Verde Valley Archaeology Center
Verde Valley
Verde Valley Archaeology Center

Katsina- Piki Craver Rodriguez Poleahla

Piki Craver (Wah-uh-uhPiki Sona)carries a staff toleanon in order to eat Piki more comfortably. He originates from the village of Shungopavi and his main responsibility is to pester the Ogres who are negotiating to take either the children or the food that is offered. 

Carved by Rodriguez Poleahla

8.5 in

Price $275.00
Current stock: 1

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330 N. Homestead Parkway, Camp Verde, AZ

Center Offices and Museum
385 S. Main St., Camp Verde, AZ 86322

Native American Heritage Pathway & Garden
330 N. Homestead Parkway, Camp Verde, AZ