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Verde Valley Archaeology Center
Verde Valley
Verde Valley Archaeology Center

Southwestern Adventure

A travel and reference guide to ancient Arizona and New Mexico that’s fun, exciting, and feels like a realistic trip into ancient history.

Southwestern Adventure is divided into two parts: Part 1 covers 41 archaeological sites and museums, and Part 2 examines the history, culture, and archaeology of the Mogollon, Hohokam, Salado, and Sinagua.

As a travel guide, this book may be used for individual sites or followed as a two-week tour. The two-week tour is set in a circle and may be started at any point and in either direction. Each individual section contains an in-depth description of the archaeological site or museum along with a detailed tour. There are maps and site-plans plus additional information concerning the archaeology and/or history of the place.

As a book for history lovers, readers can immerse themselves in the lives of peoples of the Southwestern territory, some dating back to 10,000 and 8000 B.C. This section contains a detailed history as well as the archaeology of each of the four ancient peoples and their relative culture, along with the Paleo-Indian and Folsom periods of history. Also included is a section on the history of the Apache.

Author: Michael Royea
Publication date: April 19, 2021
7x10 Softcover, 328p, 185 images, List $22.99

Price $19.00
List Price $22.99 ~ You save $3.99
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Center Offices and Museum
460 W. Finnie Flat Road, Camp Verde, AZ 86322

Native American Heritage Pathway & Garden
330 N. Homestead Parkway, Camp Verde, AZ

Center Offices and Museum
385 S. Main St., Camp Verde, AZ 86322

Native American Heritage Pathway & Garden
330 N. Homestead Parkway, Camp Verde, AZ